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Pre-Written Seller Emails

Exclusively for Leads2Listing users, these 36 pre-written emails that speak directly to Sellers and are perfect for getting your autoresponder up and running. Save time and don't worry about writing emails yourself. Focus on what's important - generating leads and winning listings!

Here's An Example:

"... The temptation to save yourself the cost of hiring a real estate agent when selling your home can be overwhelming, and with more websites, books, and other resources popping up that claim to give you all the know-how and tools you'll need to sell your home yourself, why should you consider hiring a REALTOR® at all?  Like any job that requires a lot of insider knowledge and experience, hiring a REALTOR® will ensure that you are getting the best price for your house with the minimal amount of work and worry.  Not convinced?  Here are just a few of the best reasons why no homeowner should sell their home without one ..."


These Rock Because:

What Agents Are Saying:

As Real Estate Agents our time is extremely precious. Instead of having to write a long follow-up campaign myself, and potentially miss out on talking to clients or Leads, I was easily able to upload these emails in to the autoresponder and hit publish. Done. It saved me a ton of time and the price was absolutely worth it.

Contact Information

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Billing Information

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Payment Information

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Order Summary

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Here's An Example:

"... The temptation to save yourself the cost of hiring a real estate agent when selling your home can be overwhelming, and with more websites, books, and other resources popping up that claim to give you all the know-how and tools you'll need to sell your home yourself, why should you consider hiring a REALTOR® at all?  Like any job that requires a lot of insider knowledge and experience, hiring a REALTOR® will ensure that you are getting the best price for your house with the minimal amount of work and worry.  Not convinced?  Here are just a few of the best reasons why no homeowner should sell their home without one ..."


These Rock Because:

What Agents Are Saying:

As Real Estate Agents our time is extremely precious. Instead of having to write a long follow-up campaign myself, and potentially miss out on talking to clients or Leads, I was easily able to upload these emails in to the autoresponder and hit publish. Done. It saved me a ton of time and the price was absolutely worth it.


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